
EAC uses Microsoft 365 to host student email accounts which we call MonsterMail.

Your MonsterMail address is your Monster ID followed by “” so if your Monster ID is zzz399, your MonsterMail email address is

To check your MonsterMail, you can access it directly via or by logging into Microsoft 365 at and navigating to Outlook. You can also connect to your MonsterMail account by setting it up on your phone. For the best user experience, we recommend using the Microsoft Outlook App. Follow these directions to ensure the Outlook App connects to your account at Microsoft 365: Connecting Outlook App to Your MonsterMail account You can even link other mailboxes (YahooMail, Gmail, etc.) to your Outlook email app so you can access them all in one convenient spot. Go to the settings section in the Outlook email app, select Add Account, and enter the credentials for the mailbox you want to link.

Having issues with new emails not showing up in the Outlook app?