Satisfactory Academic Progress

Eastern Arizona College Financial Aid and Veteran Services is required by federal regulations to monitor each Pell eligible student’s academic progress towards their selected degree or certificate program.  To remain eligible for federal financial aid-grants and work-study funding, college students must meet certain standards in the classroom, known as satisfactory academic progress.  Here’s an overview of SAP and how to appeal if you’re not meeting the required benchmarks.  

*Please review How to submit financial aid documents for secure upload. This process of document submission is temporary and subject to change request by Financial Aid and Veteran Services.
 SAP Warning Status

Students who do not comply with either the grade point average or minimum credit hour completion ratio will receive a single semester of warning status.  During this warning period, the student must improve their GPA to a cumulative 2.0 and/or complete and make up deficient credit hours reaching a 67% completion rate. A satisfactory warning period is given when:

    • The student’s cumulative GPA is below 2.00
    • The student’s completion ratio is below a 67% 


SAP Suspension Status

Students who have not maintained satisfactory academic progress after receiving a single semester of warning may be placed on federal financial aid suspension if or when:

    • The student does not achieve raising their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or above after a warning period was given
    • The student did not achieve raising their completion ratio to 67% or above after a warning period was given
    • The student earned a semester GPA of less than 1.0 (unless their cumulative grade point average remains 2.0 or higher)
    • The student earned (2) two or fewer eligible credits during a single semester (unless their earned hours divided by attempted hours is equal to or greater than 67%)
    • A student has transferred an official transcript from another institution and withdraws from all courses their first semester


SAP Appeal Process

A student whose federal financial aid eligibility has been suspended must complete the necessary credit hours with personal resources to improve their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher, or to achieve a 67% completion ratio in order to regain financial aid eligibility.  If a student feels there were extenuating circumstances that affected their academic performance, they may submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal with the Financial Aid and Veteran Services Office.

Students suspended from federal financial aid will receive a suspension notice by official EAC email from the Financial Aid and Veteran Services Office with information on the probationary appeals process:

    • Students can submit a SAP appeal form with supporting documentation
    • If a student is approved on a SAP probation contract, the probation terms and conditions set forth in the approval, must be met to remain eligible for federal financial aid
    • If a student has any concerns about a class, they are enrolled in during the approved contract period, they should Contact Financial Aid and Veteran Services immediately for guidance before withdrawing from any course
    • If the SAP appeal is denied, a denial notice will be sent to the student’s EAC official email
    • A student may appeal denial of SAP appeal by contacting the Financial Aid and Veteran Services Office, within (7) business days from the date the denial was sent to request a Committee Appeal



Maximum Credit Hours Suspension

The maximum number of credit hours a student may attempt and still be eligible for financial aid is 150% of the credits required to complete a
declared degree, generally 96 credit hours for an associate’s degree.  This includes credits accepted as transfer to EAC.  In keeping with institutional policy, the transferred GPA will not be included in the college’s calculation of the institutional GPA.  A student will be suspended prior to exceeding the 150%-time frame if this time frame will be exceeded during the next period of enrollment.  Students completing additional hours beyond the 150% allowed by regulation are required to complete the Maximum Credit Appeal (MCA) form.

Appeal submission and possible outcomes:

    • The appeal must be submitted within the specified time frame as indicated in the suspension letter
    • The student will complete all sections of the appeal
    • The student will print from their Gila Hank a degree audit based on the degree listed on the appeal form
    • A copy of this degree audit must be attached to the appeal
    • The student, based on the degree audit, will determine when the needed courses will be taken
    • Students are encouraged to meet with an Academic Advisor to complete the form

The Financial Aid and Veterans Services Office will evaluate the appeal and determine if the student’s time frame to complete the stated degree is appropriate within federal guidelines. If approved, the appeal and courses outlined will be the contract under which the time frame is extended.  The student must abide by this contract. Failure to do so may result in suspension without the opportunity to further appeals. Time frame appeals will be completed for one academic year at a time. Revisions to the contract must be approved by the Financial Aid Counselor prior to enrolling for non-approved courses.

If the appeal for extended time frame is denied a denial notice will be sent to the student by email or letter. The student may appeal this denial
within seven days of the date the denial was sent. The appeal must be in writing explaining why the student feels the denial should be reviewed by the financial aid committee. The financial aid committee will review the student’s appeal and letter, provided the student has submitted adequate documentation to support the basis of their appeal. The decision of the committee will be communicated in writing to the student within 10 working days. The committee’s decision is final and cannot be challenged.

Maximum Credit Appeal


Commitee Appeal Process

If a student has submitted an appeal for satisfactory academic progress (SAP) OR the extended maximum time frame (MCA) and it was determined by professional judgement that it has been denied, a denial notice will be sent to the student by official EAC email from the Financial Aid and Veteran Services Office.

The student may choose to appeal this denial within (7) seven business days, from the date the denial notice was sent.  A request for a committee appeal must be documented in writing explaining why the student feels the denial should be re-reviewed.  All supporting documentation, appeal form and a letter from an EAC Academic Advisor must be submitted before the committee appeal can be processed.  The financial aid committee will review the student’s documentation, and the majority decision of the committee will be communicated in writing to the student within (10) ten business days.  The committee’s decision is a final determination concerning the student receiving federal financial aid and cannot be challenged.

Committee Appeal



Additional Terms

For definition of terms as it applies to Satisfactory Academic Progress, please refer to our current year Course Catalog