Earn College Credits in High School with the Early College Program

Get a “jump” start on college through EAC’s Dual/Concurrent Programs. Reduced tuition for enrolled high school students – $70 per credit!

How to Enroll and Pay

  • Meet with your high school counselor to choose a pathway
  • Get admitted into EAC – Apply Now!
  • Determine Placement & Course Requirements (Contact the Testing Center, (928) 428-8342, to schedule a placement test)
    • Submit High School Transcript
  • Complete the Dual Enrollment Form
  • Activate your Gila Hank & Monster Mail Accounts
    • Complete the FERPA form (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act) for students under the age of 18
  • Register & Pay for classes in Gila Hank – $70 per credit OR  at EAC’s Business Administration Division in the Student Services Building