Graham County Community College District Governing Board

Meetings are usually held on the second Thursday of each month, except for July and December. However, the date and time of any particular meeting may be changed at the discretion of the Board. Meetings are normally held at 1:00 p.m. in the Board Room (Room 244) of the Student Services Building, 615 N. Stadium Avenue, on the Thatcher Campus.
Notices of Public Meetings will also be posted on the main doors of the Student Services Building, and on the main doors of the EAC Alumni Library.


District Governing Board Members

Jeff B. Larson Brad Montierth Richard W. Mattice Lois Ann Moody Tina C. McMaster
AACCT Representative
EAC District #3 Member since: April 2018 Term expires: December 2026 EAC District #1 Member since: October 2015 Term expires: December 2028 EAC District #5 Member since: September 1974 Term expires: December 2024 EAC District #2 Member since: January 1997 Term expires: December 2026 EAC District #4 Member since: January 2013 Term expires: December 2024

The governing board members are elected by the people in the district in which they reside. Please note that election day is in the November prior to the board member’s term expiration date. Board members are elected for a six year term of service. In the event an appointment is necessary, the appointment is made by the Graham County School Superintendent.

The appointing party

Donna M. McGaughey Graham County School Superintendent General Services Building 921 Thatcher Boulevard Safford, Arizona 85546 (928) 428-2880

Graham County College District Map

College District Map Additional information will be provided upon request. Eastern Arizona College does not discriminate in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities on the basis of race, creed, color or national origin, sex, disability, or age.

Contact Information

The Governing Board Eastern Arizona College 615 N. Stadium Avenue Thatcher, Arizona 85552-0769 (928) 428-8231

The administrative head of the District

Todd Haynie President Eastern Arizona College 615 N. Stadium Avenue Thatcher, Arizona 85552 (928) 428-8231 The administrative head of Eastern Arizona College is selected by the District Governing Board. When a position is available, advertising for the position is conducted, a screening committee is selected, applications are reviewed, interviews are conducted, and an open forum for the public is usually held. After consideration of all of the top candidates has been made, a person is then selected as President.

Service of Process

The following District employees are authorized by the Graham County Community College District (GCCCD) Governing Board to accept service of process of any document upon the District: Heston Welker, Vice President of Administration. Laurie Pennington, Director of Enterprise Risk Management. Jodi Keim, Executive Assistant to the President and District Governing Board Attorney(s) retained by the District. Process must be served at the District Office, Student Services Building, 615 N. Stadium Avenue, Thatcher, Arizona. Process servers may make appointments to serve the Board’s assistant by calling 928-428-8231. No other GCCCD employee is authorized to accept service of process for GCCCD or any other party. They will not sign documents to that effect. If asked, they will identify themselves by name and title when you hand your document to them.

  1. GCCCD Cannot and Will Not Accept, Assist in, or Facilitate Service of Process on Individual Employees – Service of a summons and complaint or notice of claim on individual employees in their personal capacity cannot be accomplished through delivery to GCCCD. Personal delivery to the individual is required. GCCCD does not facilitate such service by delivering the process for the third party, making appointments, calling employees to the front desk, communicating on behalf of the party serving process, or any other means.
  2. Subpoenas for Testimony – Generally, subpoenas compelling a person to attend and give testimony at a deposition, hearing or trial must be delivered to the named individual witness. GCCCD is not authorized by any individuals to accept, waive, or facilitate such service. However, if the anticipated testimony involves information the employee is believed to have acquired or witnessed in his or her official capacity, or if the employee is expected to speak as a witness representative of GCCCD, the party issuing the subpoena is encouraged to contact the Director of Enterprise Risk Management at 928-428-8488 in advance of any attempt to serve the subpoena. Advance discussion may help avoid undue delays, burdens, and costs.
  3. Subpoenas for Records – Please refer to Paragraph 2 above.
  4. Subpoenas from Outside of Arizona – Subpoenas from state courts outside Arizona must be issued and served in accordance with Arizona rules.
  5. Subpoenas issued by the courts and agencies of states other than the state of Arizona are not enforceable in Arizona unless they are issued in accordance with an Arizona procedure, and will not receive a response.
  6. Garnishments- Writs of Garnishment that are served in the manner required for a summons by rules of the court in civil matter must be served on the GCCCD at the District Office, Student Services Building, 615 N. Stadium Avenue, Thatcher, AZ.
Public Records Request

Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes §39-171, entities subject to the public records law must make available on their websites “the name, telephone number, and email address of an employee or department that is authorized and able to provide the information requested or able to forward the request to an employee or department that is authorized and able to provide the information requested.”

  1. Pursuant to this section, all public record requests to the Graham County Community College District dba Eastern Arizona College should be directed to:
  2. Laurie Pennington Director of Enterprise Risk Management 928-428-8488


Upcoming Meetings
  • August 8, 2024
  • September 12, 2024
  • October 10, 2024
  • November 21, 2024

View Courtesy Notice (PDF)

Truth in Taxation
2024 Truth in Taxation Statement
Expenditure Limitation
Notice for Arguments
Notice for Arguments (Spanish)
Resolution (Spanish)
Expenditure Limitation